Saturday, March 14, 2009

Twitter in Education

In response to Jim's blog (GE555 class Smitty's Section), here is some more Twitter information. Go look at his video to get an idea of what Twiiter is "in plain English".

This video explains how Twitter is related to education, blogging, and Facebook.



Mark Rindfuss said...

It's funny that you put up a post on Twitter because I have heard various news outlets reference it, but I never understook what it actually was. I can't see myself signing up to Twitter because I do not really see the point of it. I would much rather read a person's blog rather than one or two sentences. It almost seems like a mix between Facebook and Blogger. It is amazing that people continue to create new "things." I'm anxious to see what the next big thing in. Thanks for the post.

Mark Rindfuss said...

I thought this was interesting.....

Donna said...

Like you, Mark, I have seen that even John McCain is someone who uses tweets. I saw that on the news, perhaps on CNN. As a subscriber to Facebook I feel that though this is an abbreviated form of communication I too, find no use of it personally. The upside is that as stated in the video students can ask a question or express their thoughts from their cell phones anywhere, anytime. The downside would be that they take those phones into the bathroom during class and post comments to other students. I realize that most school do not allow cell phones, however you know they have them and they use them during the day. I also think this was an interesting and informative video. Thanks for posting it.