Friday, April 24, 2009


Currently, my GE-555 class is examining and blogging about the California Learning Resource Network site

Today, I received the following email:

Dear Dr. Luongo,

I discovered several of your student's blog posts regarding CLRN through an automated daily Google search and noticed that you're sharing our great resource in your class. Thank you. The California Learning Resource Network has been a state-funded project for the past 10 years, although we’ve been around for the past 25. We began by reviewing commercial electronic learning resources, but expanded to include data assessment resources and free web information links. I’m curious to know which parts of our site are of value to you and your students.

You can always catch up with our new features through one of our nine blogs or through my blog . In addition to the two new WILs categories we added in February (Free Software/Web Tools and Free Supplementary Course Materials), we’ve added a user feedback system to both our ELARS and our WILs. Now, educators can rate and comment on any of our free resources. We’re even giving away an iPod Nano each month to one of the participants.

We’re just beginning our yearly evaluation period where we’ll be collecting data about our progress and our user’s needs. If there are any features you feel should be added, we’d love to know.
BTW, our data shows that 1% of our users come from New Jersey, 13% from Virginia, and 3% from New York (let alone the 4% from Beijing).


Brian Bridges
Director, CLRN
Your source for California standards-aligned electronic learning resources

Ah~ the wonders of the digital age!

1 comment:

tpalm44 said...

Wow - that is amazing that Brian can find our posts by using an automated daily Google search! I am very impressed with CLRN's site. I do have one question, how does CLRN market and pay for their site?