Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fourth-Grade Teacher Visits Our Class Friday

As we all know, we will have a visitor tomorrow to speak with us. Here is the list of questions that my other class started and we discussed on Tuesday. Take a look, and see if you have any others to add. You can add them in the "Comments" section.


Questions for Mrs. Milite

1. How do you set up your classroom? Why?
2. How has teaching fourth grade changed over the years?
a. Students
b. Staff
c. Assessments/Tests
d. Curriculum
e. Motivation
f. Parents
3. How do you deal with parents?
4. Do you love being a teacher? Why or why not?
5. What is the hardest thing about your job?
6. What is the easiest thing about your job?
7. Has your job ever interfered with your personal life? Does it affect your “outside life”?
8. What is your view on principals and superintendents?
9. Who was your most challenging student? Why?
10. Did you always want to be a teacher?
11. Have you taught any other grades?
12. Have you ever thought about teaching older kids?
13. How difficult is it to find a job? Do you think it will get easier or harder?
14. Have you ever had a student teacher?
15. What do you do in the summer?
16. What was your first year of teaching like?
17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

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